Building a Strengths-based Culture

The Inspired Engagement team has extensive experience and expertise leading the implementation of large and small-scale Strengths-based initiatives. A strengths-based culture focuses and builds on what is best in the organization, its teams and its employees and ensures that every employee has the opportunity to do what they do best every day.

Organizations that will thrive in the future must build the right culture today. And a culture of a thriving organization is one that values the uniqueness of each individual and supports strengths-based development. Because a strengths-based workplace is transformational; it’s a culture that focuses on continual growth and improvement among everyone in the organization.



Recent Gallup research concluded that 90% of companies that have implemented strengths-based management practices had performance increases at or above the following ranges:

  • 10% to 19% increase in sales
  • 14% to 29% increase in profit
  • 3% to 7% higher customer engagement
  • 6% to 16% lower turnover (low-turnover organizations)
  • 26% to 72% lower turnover (high-turnover organizations)
  • 9% to 15% increase in engaged employees
  • 22% to 59% fewer safety incidents

That’s why more than 90% of the Fortune 500 companies use CliftonStrengths.

Inspired Engagement utilizes our proven three-step process to guide and support your organization in building a sustainable strengths-based culture.


Discover your Organizational Goals

We discover unique needs, desires, and outcomes

Utilizing an Appreciative Inquiry approach, the Inspired Engagement Team will engage stakeholders and collect data and information necessary to clearly identify the desired outcomes of a strengths-based initiative. support the organization’s desired outcomes.

Design your Action Plan

We design pathways to engagement

Working collaboratively and hosting critical conversations, the Inspired Engagement Team guides the design and creation of a plan to implement a strengths-based initiative that will meet the desire outcomes identified in the discovery phase.

Develop Sustainable Change

We develop sustainable change

As you implement strengths-based initiative the Inspired Engagement Team will be there to help guide and support every step of the way. helping monitor the progress and outcomes.


Contact Inspired Engagement today and discover how a custom Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Initiative will help your organization build a sustainable strengths-based culture that develops employees and improves the organization’s performance.