Authentic Teaching

Becoming an authentic strengths-based educator begins with an Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Educator Workshop.  This workshop will help you discover your natural talents, develop them into strengths and learn how to utilize those strengths to be more authentic, effective and engaging in your work as an educator.  Strengths-based Workshops motivate and engage educators to use strategies  for class design, content delivery and student interaction that motivate and engage students in their own learning process and reach optimal levels of achievement.

What are Strengths-based Educators?

Strengths-based educators teach authentically through knowing their own strengths, applying those strengths to each aspect of the teaching and learning process and engaging their students in learning. Strengths-based educators develop a sense of HOPE in their students, a belief that they have the ability and power to make their future better than their today.

Strength-based Educators

  • Capitalize on the their unique talents and strengths for maximum teaching effectiveness
  • Connect students’ unique talents and strengths to strategies for mastering course content
  • Know their own strengths and how to leverage them to teaching excellence.
  • Have a authentic strengths-based teaching philosophy and share their philosophy with students.
  • Apply their strengths to each aspect of the teaching and learning process:
    • Course design
    • Content delivery
    • Student interaction
    • Student feedback


People who attend an Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Educator Workshop will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the philosophy of strengths-based teaching
  • Analyze their motivation to teach and their unique manner of connecting with students
  • Productively apply strengths to their role as an authentic educator
  • Identify methods of class design, content delivery, student interaction and feedback that will enable students to apply their natural talents in their learning
  • Discover and communicate their authentic and personal teaching philosophy



Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Educator Workshops :

  • Affordable
  • Held on your site
  • Active learning environment
  • Customized to your group’s size, needs and schedule
  • CliftonStrengths Assessment provided for each participant
  • 1, 4 and 8 hour workshop formats available

 Discover how a custom Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Educator Workshop will help your educators develop a personal and authentic teaching philosophy and apply that philosophy to improving student’s engagement, outcomes, and completion.

Contact Inspired Engagement today!