Coming Together, Working Together,  Staying Together

Team success depends on the team’s ability to be engaged in the work and produce specific outcomes. Utilizing a strengths-based philosophy to coach team leaders, team members and teams, Inspired Engagement coaches will move talent to strength to develop your team and increase the engagement, performance, and production of your teams.

Gallup research has shown that a team’s direct path to growth and improvement begins with an investment in each person’s greatest talents.

  • People who use their Strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged on the job.
  • Teams that focus on Strengths every day have a 12.5% greater productivity.
  • Teams that receive strengths feedback have a 8.9% greater profitability.

Personal and professional development is most effective with the support and guidance of others. Inspired Engagement utilizes our proven three-step coaching process

to guide and support your team’s development to become a strengths-based team able to consistently perform at the highest levels of performance and excellence.

Discover your Organizational Goals

We discover unique needs and desired outcomes

Through individual sessions with each team member and team leader Inspired Engagement Coaches will discover the team’s most critical needs and shared outcomes that can be improved through strength-based coaching.

Design your Action Plan

We design pathways to engagement

Based on the findings of the individual coaching sessions Inspired Engagement Coaches partner with you to design a Team Engagement Plan to support the development of an interdependent team that relies on each other to consistently perform at the highest levels of performance and excellence by knowing and valuing what each member does best.

Develop Sustainable Change

We develop sustainable change

Inspired Engagement Coaches support and guide the implementation of the Team Engagement Plan through coached and non-coached, team and individual, discussions and activities. Although development is ongoing over time it is our intent to create a team culture that can be self-sustained by the team and its members.