
The Inspired Engagement team has extensive experience and expertise in using Interest-based Problem Solving (IBPS) to help mitigate large and small-scale conflict and encourage a solution that builds relationship through the resolution of conflict.

An interest based approach to conflict encourages parties to:

  • Advocate for their interests (wants, needs, and fears) rather than their position (one solution)
  • Education one another on the issues
  • Jointly determine objective solution criteria or standards
  • Create multiple options before solutions
  • Choose the solution that best meets interests and criteria
  • Build relationships through resolving conflict.

As you implement your Organizational Change Plan Inspired Engagement is there to facilitate, guide, support and assess the journey along the way to ensure the change is sustainable.

We develop an enduring culture. Inspired Engagement provides the follow up necessary for people in organizations to engage in and hold each other accountable to the agreed upon cultural change.