The Inspired Engagement team has extensive experience and expertise in the creation of dynamic, value and vision driven, strategic plans in small and large, profit, non-profit and educational organizations and departments. A strategic plan is only effective when it engages its followers. Inspired Engagement brings a proven three-step process to engage the entire organization in the creation, implementation and monitoring your plan.
Inspired Engagement utilizes our proven three-step process to guide and support the organization throughout the process.

We discover unique needs, desires, and outcomes
Utilizing an Appreciative Inquiry approach, the Inspired Engagement Team will engage stakeholders and collect data and information necessary to design a dynamic, value and vision driven strategic plan for your organization or department.

We design pathways to engagement
Working collaboratively and hosting critical conversations, the Inspired Engagement Team guides the design and writing of the plan, creating the specific language of initiatives, goals and detailed action plans based on the data collected in the discovery phase.