High Performance Teams

Developing high performance teams begins with an Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Team Workshop.  This workshop will help each member of the team better understand and appreciate their talents and those of others on the team.  This appreciation helps teams mitigate conflict, avoid dysfunction, improve performance and best work together to attain of goals of the team.


What is a Strengths-based Team?

A Strengths-based team is a group of imperfect but talented contributors who are valued for their strengths and who need one another to realize individual and team excellence.

Members of strengths-based teams are aware of each other’s talent filters, they understand how each person is inclined to think, act and feel.  This awareness helps the team navigate the issues all teams encounter.  They understand how the team can work best together to accomplish its goals and performance objectives.

Gallup research has shown that a team’s direct path to growth and improvement begins with a primary investment in each person’s greatest talents.

  • Teams that focus on strengths every day have 12.5% greater productivity.
  • Teams that receive strengths feedback have 8.9% greater profitability.


Inspired Engagement’s Strengths-based Teams Workshops will inspire your team to have:

  • Higher levels of energy and vitality
  • More confidence
  • Higher work performance as a team
  • Less stress
  • Be effective at developing as a team

Inspired Engagement Strengths-based Team Workshops:

  • Affordable
  • Held virtually or on site
  • Customized for small or large, complex or simple, teams, committees or boards
  • Includes, prior to the workshop:
    • Meeting with the team leader to define team needs and expectations.
    • Individual strengths coaching sessions with each team member
  • 1, 4 and 8 hour workshop formats with the team
  • Active learning environment


Begin developing high performance teams today!!

Contact Inspired Engagement and discover what strengths-based team workshops can do for your organization.