The New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni and the power of industry-leading workplace assessment tools, The Five Behaviors®-Personal Development and The Five Behaviors® – Team Development deliver proven results. A unique team-centered experience that develops cohesive High Performance Teams.
The program helps teams understand how they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors® model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Individual team members will learn about their own personality style and the styles of their team members—based on the Everything DiSC® model—and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success.
Through impactful virtual and classroom learning experiences that empower individuals through self-discovery and constructive behavioral modeling, The Five Behaviors® is the only team development solution that rewrites the traditional rules for teamwork to build stronger highly productive teams.
Developed in Partnership with Patrick Lencioni, based on his international bestseller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors® transforms teams through a powerful and approachable model that drive team effectiveness and productivity.
Through impactful virtual and classroom learning experiences that empower individuals through self-discovery and constructive behavioral modeling, The Five Behaviors® is the only team development solution that rewrites the traditional rules for teamwork to build stronger highly productive teams.
The Five Behaviors® takes the form of a pyramid,
with each behavior serving as a foundation for the next.
Simple, sound, and straightforward—this model challenges teams to rethink their approach when working together.
The Five Behaviors® model focuses on building skills and understanding in the areas of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results which provides a common language for your teams as they navigate the ever-changing world of work.
Starting with The Five Behaviors assessment, team members will gain insights about themselves, others, and their approach to teamwork. These insights are then brought to life through a powerful virtual or in-person facilitated experience that works by addressing the full spectrum of essential cohesive team behaviors.
When teams start with a foundation of vulnerability-based trust, they can be genuinely transparent and honest with one another. From this foundation, team members can channel the power of productive conflict and debate, commit to shared goals, hold each other accountable, and deliver better results—together.
As the workplace evolves, so do team dynamics. Giving your team the skills they need to work together effectively, regardless of where they are working, is more important than ever.
The Five Behaviors® solutions can help you activate your team’s ability to drive results through cohesive teamwork, whether it is with our Personal Development solution which helps individuals learn the skills they need to “team” effectively on any team and build a culture of teamwork, or our Team Development solution which helps intact teams gain the know-how to work better together.
Helps individuals to better understand themselves and others to work effectively on any team.
Individuals Learn How to “Team” Effectively
Team and Culture Transformation
Employee Development at All Levels
Up to 30
No requirements
Helps participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together
Help Intact Teams Effectively Work Together
Improve Team Productivity
Addresses Team Dysfunction
Intact Teams
5 to 12
Teams with a longevity of at least 6 months
Each solution can be customized to help address the specific needs of any team or organization. The Five Behaviors delivers personalized and tangible insights for each learner, empowering both teams and individuals to make a lasting, authentic change.
The primary purpose of a team is to achieve its objectives. When each preceding behavior is functioning well, every team member focuses on the team’s goal. The team goal takes precedence over individual ambitions, and everyone feels rewarded by contributing to the team’s success.
Accountability is often the most challenging behavior for a team to master. Many teams struggle to reach the point where every member consistently holds others accountable. Achieving and maintaining strong performance in the preceding steps makes accountability much easier. Over time, accountability can become an integral part of the team’s dynamic.
Securing commitment from team members differs from achieving consensus. According to Lencioni, consensus involves compromise, which may not always produce the best outcome. Commitment arises from clarity of purpose. When facing a problem with multiple solutions, the team, through trust and constructive conflict, selects one idea to pursue. While only one idea is chosen, every member comprehends the reasoning behind the selection and supports the decision, both within the team and in external communications.
Conflict is often viewed as risky for a team because it can create hard feelings. However, with a foundation of relational trust, team members feel safe to be honest and courageous. When trust is established, conflict becomes constructive. In fact, conflict is essential for ensuring that all perspectives and aspects of issues are discussed, understood, and considered. Teams that avoid conflict tend to overlook valuable feedback, leading to poor decision-making.
Trust forms the foundation of the pyramid. Without it, achieving overall team cohesiveness is nearly impossible. Vulnerability-based trust, which involves the willingness to reveal one’s weaknesses, is essential for building the relationships needed to navigate and thrive amidst both everyday and exceptional challenges that every team encounters.
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